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The lowest rank including extra home slots, QOL command and cosmetics! [Once Purchased, DM @Cameroon.]
4.00 GBP
The lowest rank upgraded to the middle rank! [Once Purchased, DM @Cameroon.]
2.50 GBP
Upgraded version of Star Rank! Extra Cosmetics and QOL Commands! [Once Purchased, DM @cameroon.]
6.50 GBP
Nebula Upgraded to Cosmic! [Once Purchased, DM @cameroon.]
4.50 GBP
The Ultimate Rank, has all perks of previous 2, aswell as more cosmetics and 15 Home slots! [Once Purchased, DM @cameroon]
11.00 GBP
Cosmic Rank
11.00 GBP
Top Donator.